We charge on a fixed fee, or on a percentage fee basis for larger projects.
Percentage fee charging is based on a percentage of a project's construction cost.
Different buildings have different percentage fee rate ranges (for example retrofitted buildings and alterations have a higher percentage fee charge than new builds because usually more work is involved).
For smaller projects and up-front work before a project starts (e.g. space planning, concept design) we can charge on an hourly rate or for a fixed fee. We can discuss what will suit you best.
We will usually explain how we charge in the initial consultation about your project.
Our aim is to give you certainty around how we charge so you can budget with confidence, and to provide you value for money.
We recommend engaging a quantity surveyor to provide a cost plan for the project. Ideally we involve the quantity surveyor at the early stages of the project to make sure that the design matches your budget.
This cost plan gives you a firm indication of the construction cost and helps you manage costs throughout the different stages of your project.
We have a strong record of keeping projects to the quantity surveyor's estimates.